Deewrites Newsletter

Posted on September 19, 2010


Hello Everyone, 

A lot has happened since my last Newsletter so let me catch you up quickly. 

Picture Perfect Available! 

The moment we’ve all been waiting for (at least I’ve been waiting for, SMILE) has come. My entry back into mainstream is now available in several eBook formats. I’m excited about this novel because it contains much of what women are going through, have gone through, or will go through. 

To the outside world, the Reynolds family is picture perfect. In the Reynolds’ home, Jacob Reynolds, CFO of a major corporation, is experiencing a midlife crisis; Anna Lee Reynolds, happy home maker who isn’t too happy with her life choices, is slipping into menopause; and Junior, the sixteen-year-old son, is proving the terrible twos have nothing on the terrible teens. 

When Anna Lee decides to return to college, the family portrait is torn to shreds. Jacob wants a new and improved portrait with his entire family. Anna Lee insists it is time to take separate portraits. Junior begs for the old portrait to be refurbished. All three are hurting and unsure, and the changes in their lives have just begun. 

 Order  Picture Perfect from Smashwords (available in several formats from Kindle to PDF) 

Order Picture Perfect from Amazon 

Price: $6.99 

Those who purchase Picture Perfect receive a free copy of Love’s Desire. Just  forward your receipt and the collection will be sent to you. Email addresses are not harvested, saved, sold… They will be used to send your book and then deleted. 

I look forward to discussing this title with you. I’ll be setting up a discussion. More to come on that sooooon. I do not have plans to publish this title in print form at this time, but if I do, I’ll be sure to let you know. 

 Please help spread the word and post reviews at Amazon and Smashwords. From within Smashwords you are able to share with Facebook and other social media.

Love’s Desire 

Love's Desire Cover 

I’ve compiled the short romantic stories I’ve written over the years into the anthology Love’s Desire. The compilation captures the essence of first love, love lost, love found and love’s passion. 

 Please note: The majority of the stories have been released before on various websites, including my own. 

 Purchase from Smashwords (several electronic formats from Kindle to PDF) 

Purchase from Amazon  

Price $2.99

 Facebook Fan Page 

Am I the only one who finds it funny that I’d actually need a fan page? I don’t know why that cracks me up, but it does. I started my Facebook page to keep up with my daughters who were in college and away from home. They seem to answer Facebook messages faster than their cell phones. To make a long story short, my original Facebook page was to be my personal page. I had no concept of a fan page until recently. I’ve had a few readers ask why I don’t have a fan page. 

Soooo, I listen to my readers and have created a fan page. So if you are now on my personal page where I talk about every and anything, but would just like information about my writing and appearances, please sign up for my Facebook fan page.

 Missing Titles 

You may have noticed that several of the titles I had on the page previously are missing. Those are titles that were published by Red Rose Publishing. I was not happy with this company at all and now have the rights to those titles back. If they are online anywhere, they will be removed. I haven’t decided if I will re-release them or hold onto them for a while. To be continued. The titles were Jodie’s Choice, Broken Promises, Trapped In Paradise, and Journey’s End 

That’s it for now. 

Much Joy Peace and Love 

Deatri King-Bey

Posted in: Newsletter